If I’m right that when Silicon Valley invests in food delivery, the bubble is about to pop, the above headline from yesterday’s Silicon Valley Business Journal may be a signal that the end is near.

The article points out that the VC “appetite” for online food delivery reached a five-year high recently.  But my favorite line from the article is as follows:

A host of new players are in the wings, too, including DoorDash, Goldbely and Gobble.


Waiting in the wings!  That is a great one!  I wonder if the pun was intended?  Also the names are great.  They capture the spirit of the need that all of these services meet.  It’s not enough that we have fast food on every corner, speed monitored drive through lanes, convenience stores, take out and delivery from every restaurant’s menu and delivery from most grocery stores, we Americans need more food, faster.  I hear Elon Musk is testing a pneumatic tube system that will move fresh food into our homes directly from the central valley of California. 😉

Some day, I think we will have pipes into all new homes of protein, carbs, fruits and veggies (like we have for hot and cold water, Internet, and gas) feeding a 3D printer.  We will finally then have recreated the machine on the Jetsons (or was it StarTrek?) for instant automated meals of any type.

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