Value Proposition #6: Transaction Financing
Transaction financing is one of nine value propositions enterprise software platforms can offer their participants.
Value Proposition #5: Leveraged Contracts
Leveraged contracts are one of nine value propositions enterprise software platforms can offer their participants.
Value Proposition #4: Industry Catalogs
Industry catalogs are one of nine value propositions enterprise software platform providers can offer their participants.
Value Proposition #3: Credentialers
Credentialers are one of the nine value propositions enterprise software platforms can offer their participants.
Value Proposition #2: Matchmaking
Matchmaking is one of nine value propositions enterprise software platform providers can offer their participants.
Value Proposition #1: Supply Chain Automation
Supply chain automation is a primary value proposition an enterprise software platform provider can to its participants.
Nine B2B Industry Platform Value Propositions
Enterprise software platforms can be segmented by nine basic platform value propositions.
Follow the Amber Road?
Global Trade Management (GTM) provider, Amber Road recently filed to go public, adding to the list of enterprise SaaS providers going public while the going is good. You may not recognize Amber Road, in part because for many years it went by the incredibly bland...
Tim Armstrong/AOL meet Castlight Health
Castlight Health has filed for an IPO. They are going after an enormous market: helping corporations save on their spend on employee health benefits.