There are some Smartlings at Smartling
Smartling is building a collaborative project management platform that has potential to morph into other B2B platform value propositions.
Interoperability of Networks is like Baskin Robbins Ice Cream
Interoperability of networks is highly nuanced. There are many levels of interoperability and a multitude of private and public actions can drive it.
Never Assume Markets are Efficient
You would think the bond-trading market would be efficient. MarketAxess is trying to make that a reality.
America’s Most Cloud-Based Business: Farming?
Farming has gone high tech. It just might be America’s most cloud-based business, even though it remains very much grounded in the earth.
WSJ: Red Flags Emerge in Enterprise Software Valuations?
The WSJ suggests Enterprise Software valuations may be getting ahead of themselves. Other indicators point the same direction.
B2B Cloud Platform Stock Index Performance
I’ve created two stock indices for B2B Cloud Platform companies. One had to be rebalanced when SAP acquired Concur.
Sex Continues to Sell in Enterprise Software
Inside sales folks like to use LinkedIn. These folks also use pics of very attractive young women to attract us dirty old men.
10 B2B Blogs Every Software Nerd Should Read
The vast majority of tech press is about B2C software companies or software for IT department (e.g., databases, security, performance monitoring and other stuff) that does not excite me. But, there are a few good b2b blogs and newsletters those of you interested in...
A Solution for Every Source to Settle Process
For every source to settle process and every spend category there are established software, managed service or outsource providers.