Zlien: Regtech + Payments = Enterprise SaaS Nirvana?
Regtech is hot and so are payments. Zlien plays in both markets simultaneously. History shows helping small companies get paid faster can be lucrative.
The Enterprise Software IPO is Back. And it’s all about connectivity.
The enterprise software IPO is back: Mulesoft, Okta, and Yext. The common theme is helping to connect to other applications and ecosystems.
Regtech: New Name, Time-Honored Concept
Regtech is a great new buzzword. But SaaS B2B software designed to help clients meet regulations has been around long before this term came of age.
Bessemer Venture Partners’ 2017 State of the Cloud Report
BVP’s 2017 State of the Cloud presentation is well worth the read, especially for B2B SaaS afficianados.
Gartner Magic Quadrant for Strategic Sourcing Application Suites
Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Strategic Sourcing Application Suites is now available. This market has now been around for almost 20 years!
Dematerialization: Converting B2B Documents into Bits Creates Opportunities
Think about a business document that is still too often in paper form. Digitizing, or dematerializing, this document could lead to a great opportunity.
ICYMI: My Seven Most Popular Posts of 2016
In case you missed them the first time around, here are my seven most popular posts of 2016. Procure to Pay, Marketplace Take Rates, and humor dominated.
Vote for The Worst Supply Chain of 2016. Hint: It Is Not an Easy Choice.
Supply chain news in late 2016 included duopolies, explosions, counterfeits, bid-rigging, out-of-stocks, child labor, and an entirely fake supply chain.
Donald Trump is the Stereotypical Bad Enterprise Software Sales Guy
Donald Trump has all of the bad traits of every bad enterprise software sales person I have ever met. That does not bode well for the next four years.