Most of my work is directly with the portfolio companies of VC and Private Equity-backed firms. Some of my work is as a consultant to VC or PE firms during due diligence or strategy development.
Due Diligence
As a VC or Private Equity Consultant, I review offering memoranda, business models, pricing, sales, marketing, and all commercial activities looking for opportunities to unlock value.
Customer Analysis
Using my network, I interview customers and prospects of target companies to assess satisfaction, “stickiness”, and competitive threats. Clients find that interviews by knowledgeable specialists have more value than those performed by typical market research firms or “expert networks”.
Competitive Analysis
Based on primary and secondary research, I provide competitive analysis to help investors evaluate their target’s market position and competitive standing.
Investment Idea Generation and Pipeline
I help VC and PE firms new to B2B, with limited multi-sided platform experience, or simply with limited resources, to identify prospects and narrow search criteria. I often serve as a matchmaker between investors and entrepreneurs in the B2B space.
Invest your time wisely.
Investor Clients