The Nine Value Propositions of B2B SaaS Platforms – 3rd Edition
There are hundreds of vertical and horizontal B2B SaaS platforms. I’ve identified nine basic value propositions these platforms “mix and match” to define their offering. This 50-page e-book defines the basic value propositions, highlights the strategic issues associated with each one, and provides examples of successful enterprise SaaS companies employing each strategy. My most popular resource.
My knowledge comes from experience helping build fast-growing businesses at BCG, The NutraSweet Company, Silliker, Ariba, ServiceChannel and working with consulting clients in varying industries.
But I’ve also learned by studying the academic literature of “two-sided” markets, observing closely (and participating in) the marketplace debacle of the late 1990s, studying the evolution of the successful payment platforms of Visa, American Express, MasterCard, and PayPal; studying GXS and Sterling in EDI, and even learning about the economics of shopping malls.